Friday, April 3, 2009

A serious issue.

Yall probably know what I'm talking about... it's been bothering me for some time now.

The world is turning upside down.
Some might see that as a slight revenge, but I see it as hypocracy.
They used to be discriminated, hated, even killed. They were silenced and told they were wrong and evil for being that way.
It was horrible and wrong the way they were treated. The Lord loves all of his children, no matter who they are.
Now, here's where my views change.
The Lord loves everybody, all of his children, no matter what. That does NOT mean that he loves what they do. The Lord loves me. He does not love that I am easily angered anytime somebody does not wait their turn at a stop sign. He loves the kid in the hallway at school. He does not love that the kid in the hallway shouts obscene language at people and sexually harasses girls. The list goes on.
Now, those people who I described up above, they now appear to be free. Happy. Celebrating and joyous that the world is changing in their favor. Who wouldn't be happy if things started going their way after a life time of harassment? And another word that tends to be the buzz word for this occasion, equal. They now feel equal. And that's GREAT. Who doesn't want to have a feeling of peace and equality in their hearts?
I've seen this on facebook and in person and just everywhere... whenever somebody, who used to once be the person on the discriminating side (not necessarily a discriminator, but who shared opinion with those who discriminated) speaks at all in these days, they are evil, horrible, and told they are wrong.

I'll just lay the rest of this flat out.
The scriptures and living prophets say (they even said this in the Young Women General Broadcast) that in the latter days, evil will be viewed as good, and good will be evil.
Hundreds of thousands of people strongly disagree with me, but just like the gays refused to be silenced of their beliefs, I feel I also have the right to refuse to be silenced of my own beliefs. I believe that this new law in Iowa is exactly what the prophets were talking about. I also believe this is just part of the beginning and that there is more to come. I believe we will have to go through a lot of what the homosexuals went through.

*side note, I don't think it's fair for me to be treated the way they once were. I personally never treated them that way, I wasn't even born yet, and I don't think it's right that people of my generation who share my beliefs should be punished for an older generation's wrong doings.*

But in the end, if we stay true to the Lord and his gospel, turn the other cheek, we will be able to be freed from all humilation and discrimination.
I'll have to leave it at this, for I must go to bed.
This is just the beginning of the end.

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