Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Politics + School = BAD IDEA

Yesterday was the worst day of school ever. I don't think I've ever been harassed more in an entire week than I was in all of school yesterday. It was not fun. And to top it off, I was feeling extremely crummy (and am not going to school today because I still feel really sick).
Before I get into what happened, let me lay out my view on politics.
I have been raised republican, and after having taken serious studying on both sides, looking at views with out bias or input from the other side, I have decided that I prefer the republican views over the democratic views. However, just because I'm republican it does NOT mean that I hate the democrats. There are some nice things about their views, but there's too much that I don't agree with. So I don't hate Obama. I never have. I don't hate Biden. I really preferred John McCain and Sarah Palin. Overall, I think all of them are pretty nice people (well, I never got to study Biden, so I don't really know much about him, besides his views and plans.)
So I wore my McCain/Palin shirt and button yesterday (and was given a sticker that I put on my shirt), because I wanted to be patriotic and everybody was wearing their Obama shirts and stickers, so I felt I had every right to wear what I want to wear. Now, I was expecting some negativity, but I was NOT expecting the ammount that I got.
Before school: some negative (but joking) comments from some friends. Expected.
1st hour: Intro to Business. We had to watch Saturday Night Live, the one where McCain and "Sarah Palin" come and try to sell stuff. Dumbest thing I ever saw. People made fun of McCain. Nothing was made fun of Obama. NOTHING.
2nd hour: Choir. I hate choir. I might quit. I hate it so much. I am surrounded by these evil little sophomore brat--I mean, girls. They're just evil. Too long to explain. I won't explain what happened (also too long), but they're the most evil creatures in school. And I'm surrounded by them for 50 minutes every day from 8:29 to 9:17. Yesterday was the worst by far with them.
3rd hour: Genetics. In between 2nd and 3rd hour yesterday, I needed to stop by the nurses office, and my genetics teacher knew that. So I walked into class a couple of minutes late. I walk in and walk along the edge of the room so as to not interrupt my teacher and distract the class. But this one girl sees what I'm wearing and shouts "OH MY GOSH" *she uses another word... and more vulgar that I'll also replace* "MCCAIN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! UGGGGG BLEEEACCCHHHH!!! *mime vomits*" so I just smiled and said "yep!" and sat down in my chair and hoped that would be the end of it. Nope. She turns around and starts shouting at me "YOU KNOW HE'S GOING TO SCREW THE COUNTRY, RIGHT?!?!?!?! HE'LL DIE ANYWAY HE'S SUCH AN IDIOT AND YOU'RE AN IDIOT FOR SUPPORTING HIM! UGGGG BLECHHHH!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!! AND PALIN IS A WHORE" and on and on. She was just shouting crap out and had no idea what she was talking about. So I shouted back (not as loudly) "You know what, maybe I don't care, and MAYBE" (she was starting to shout back again, so I shouted over her) "MAYBE I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT AND I WANT TO FOCUS" (I gestured toward my teacher, who looked kind of shocked about the whole thing), "ON GENETICS. THAT'S WHAT WE'RE HERE FOR. SO LEAVE ME ALONE." we had to take a test. It was really hard to focus with her muttering 2 desks away and glaring at me.
4th hour: Study hall. 2 friends and I get passes to go to the choir room and we do homework there rather than sit in the rowdy room full of people who got a study hall because the slacked off. The 3 of us got study halls because my 2 friends got D+s in an AP class that was really hard to pass anyway, I got a study hall because I was sick and had to drop a class. 4th hour really wasn't that bad. I just started feeling really sick and just lay down on the floor the whole hour.
5th hour: is normally orchestra, but a group of us had to go get our pictures taken for All-State. So I had gotten dressed and had to walk across the building in my nice concert black clothes and my cello (with a group of friends also in nice clothes and carrying violin/viola/trumpet cases). There was a crowd waiting to get into lunch and some people said "watch out, big instrument coming through" and it was pretty easy. But these 2 girls who weren't listening (big surprise *sarcasm*), tripped over my cello case (which has wheels and rolls behind me) and knocked it over and started shouting all sorts of profanity that should have gotten them in huge trouble. I just said "oops you just gotta watch where yer going... sorry!" and both of them started throwing the F-bomb at me. Telling me I'm retarted and an f-ing loser and something about McCain and it was ugly. So, I lost my standards for a second and flipped them off as I turned the corner.. I know, bad thing bad thing, but things were just piling up.. I can only be a door mat for so long.
6th hour: I got to class late because of the pictures (had a pass, it was excused), and as I was walking down the hall, I saw/heard a teacher in a classroom say "and Sarah Palin- uggg blech oh my gosh.." so after I passed the door (he hadn't seen me) I shouted "WOOO GO SARAH PALIN!!!" and ran to my class.. hahaha. Over all 6th hour was pretty good. I sat inbetween a quiet republican and a quiet democrat. We watched a movie over a book we've been reading, so it was pretty quiet.
7th hour: I walked in and one of my friends (democrat) was talking about how one of our friends (a republican) was complaining about stuff and he said she should just get over it. I asked if it was Audrey (our friend) and he said yes. Before I spoke up, somebody walked passed my desk, saw my shirt and said "ugggg blech" *mime vomited on me*. So I said "See??? This is what we're sick of. I'm SO TIRED of being picked on and shouted at because of my beliefs! You don't see anybody wearing McCain going around and doing what she just did!" (I pointed at the girl) "We don't go around saying 'Screw Obama!' and 'you suck!' If Obama's going to win tonight, your side is going to be the one representing what America is! And when you mime-vomit all over people who just simply don't agree with you, that makes you look pretty un-intelligent. So yeah, Audrey has every right to complain. We've been harassed ALL DAY LONG." and nobody could retort. It felt great. To break the silence, the girl behind me said "well, I'm independent and I can't even vote, neither can most of you, so how about we just drop it? Yeah! :D" And then a teacher in the room spoke up and said "there are 2 things you just cannot argue about in life with people and you should NEVER try and change their minds, because you just can't. They are politics and religion. So just don't even argue about it. It's not going to do any good."
Later in class I had to make a trip down the hall and a teacher in the hallway saw me and said "Oh! You've GOT to show your shirt to this guy!" and he pulled me into an empty classroom with a teacher at his desk and I said "Yeah.. McCain...?" and he said "ooooooo EVIL!!!" and I retorted "more like SMART! haha" and he laughed, he said "you know, you're probably right". That wasn't so bad, but the fact that a teacher wanted to use me to get a negative comment out of a teacher.. I don't like being used.
So by the end of the day I was pretty upset, and I talked with my favorite teacher (who is pretty much just a family friend who happens to teach) and I explained to her what had happened and she was shocked by all of it and told me that she had seen some of that happen in her own class. People had asked one girl who she supported and she said "McCain" and people just jumped on her.. So this teacher told me that she's sending an email to the principle about the behavior of people in school.
My mom wants me to write a narrative of my day and show it to my guidance councelor...

So today I'm not in school... I really don't feel good, and after yesterday, I don't think I could handle today without breaking down or totaly freaking out at some point.
Today is my break. I don't need to deal with life today.

1 thoughts:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry! Sending you lots of hugs!