Friday, October 24, 2008

All-State: Evening Before

For the past year I have been preparing myself for the all-state auditions tomorrow. I got the 5 excerpt pieces (2 of which I will be required to play-they will tell me which 2 to play) back in July and have been learning them and perfecting them for the past few months. The excerpts are of the 3 songs that will be played in the All-State orchestra (one of which is on the playlist-"Overture to Candide" by Bernstein). I also picked a solo to play in July. For the last year I have been practicing my scales. My audition tomorrow will be: My solo (which has a time limit of 60-80 seconds-no shorter or longer), two 3-octave scales in 16th notes at 88 bpm (pretty fast), and 2 of the 5 excerpts.
Last year, I totaly bombed my audition. The excerpts were lousy, my solo wasn't very musical, and my scales-ugggg horrribbblllleeee. This year however, I have learned SO MUCH, and I've grown more than 10Xs in the last year, I almost can't believe it. I'm a much more confident player. I feel that I have improved in every aspect of playing the cello in every way a LOT. It is my dream while in high-school to make the all-state orchestra. While I know that it is very possible that I won't make it, I feel I have a far greater chance this year than I did last year by FAR. I'm totaly prepared. Every single scale, every note, every bowing, every dynamic level of every excerpt, every emotion in the music is ready. I'm very nervous. But it's good to be nervous. I'd much rather be nervous like this than scared and freaking out from not being prepared.
Please pray that I'll do well at my audition if you read this in time.. my audition is in less than 12 hours at 8:30 in the morning (central time) in Oelwein, IA. Call-backs are posted at 9:30. The final list of those who made it will be posted at 11:00 at the very latest.
I should head to bed. I need to wake up at 4:45 am in order to get ready and get to school by 5:30.
If I make it, I might cry I think... haha. If I don't, I'll be a little dissappointed, but my over-all goal is to do my ultimate best ever in that audition room and to walk out of there at 8:35 proud of what I've accomplished.
Lately, all of my hard work has been paying off. I've been working very very hard, and in the last 2 months, harder than I've worked all year. Maybe my hard work will pay off again. Just maybe...

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