Monday, October 12, 2009


The Priest Family home is now on the market and ready for showing. Yet again, we are planning on moving. But for the first time (in my memory at least) we are NOT moving very far away. We have placed an offer on a house and it has been accepted, now we just have 2 months to sell our home. Anybody sense the stress?

The home we want to buy is our dream home, a cottage in the woods. It's not exactly a cottage, but the layout and siding is all very similar. It's on 4 1/2 acres of land, with most of it being woods, which we hiked through yesterday. The house is out in Durango, for those of you who read this and know the area (out near where the Butler's live, past the Holt's). The house is definitely smaller than our house, but not too small at all. Our house is actually fairly large, and within a couple of years, we won't need this big of a house and this house out in Durango really will be perfect.

Soo.... anybody want to buy a 100+ year old Queen Ann Victorian home on 3rd street?